

INCOTERMS are acronyms for types of commercial terms that are most commonly used in international contracts for the sale of goods. It is essential to be well informed about the terms of trade before shipping.

All modes of Transport

EXW (Ex Works)

Freight Seller’s premises.
Risk Seller’s premises.

Seller responsible for making the goods available at the seller’s premises. Buyer bears the full risk from there to destination.

FCA (Free Carrier)

Freight Freight handler.
Risk Freight handler.

Seller responsible for delivery to the custody of carrier, identified by the buyer. Risk is transferred when loading has taken place.

CPT (Carriage Paid to)

Freight Destination.
Risk First freight handler.

Seller delivers goods to the carrier at agreed place of delivery and pays transport to the named destination. Risk is transferred at place of delivery, whereas seller pays for transport to the destination.

CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to)

Freight Destination.
Risk First freight handler.

Seller delivers goods to carrier at agreed place of delivery and pays for transport and insurance to named destination. Risk transfers at the place of delivery, whereas seller pays for transport and insurance to the destination.


DAT (Delivered at Terminal)

Freight Destination.
Risk Destination.

Seller delivers goods unloaded at a specified place inside agreed terminal. Risk is transferred as soon as goods have been unloaded.

DAP (Delivered at Place)

Freight Place of destination.
Risk Arriving means of transport at destination.

Seller delivers goods to disposal of buyer on arriving means of transport, at agreed place. Seller assumes risk until goods are made ready for unloading from the arriving means of transport.

DPP (Delivered Duty Paid)

Freight Destination.
Risk Destination.

Seller responsible for bringing goods to the destination, paying any duty and making the goods available to buyer. Risk transfers as soon as buyer has access to goods ready for unloading at agreed destination.

Sea and Inland Waterways

FAS (Free Alongside Ship)

Freight Shipside in port of departure.
Risk Shipside in port of departure.

Seller is responsible for delivery of goods at quay alongside the ship. From this point onwards, risk lies with buyer.

FOB (Free on Board)

Freight On board ship.
Risk On board ship.

Seller responsible for delivery of goods loaded on board the ship. Risk is transferred as soon as goods have been set down inside ship.

CRF (Cost and Freight)

Freight Port of destination.
Risk On board ship.

Seller covers cost of freight, duty unpaid, to named port of destination. Risk is transferred as soon as the goods have been set down inside ship.

CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)

Freight Port of destination.
Risk Port of destination.

Seller covers cost of insurance and freight, duty unpaid, to named port of destination. Risk is transferred as soon as the goods have been set down inside ship.

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